woensdag 19 augustus 2009

20-8 Clive King ft Xzellar – Evolution Leaps FWD/Erotic City (SP//0404)(#282)

20-8 Clive King ft Xzellar – Evolution Leaps FWD/Erotic City (SP0404)(#282)

A Evolution Leaps FWD
B Erotic City

This vinyl is one of the latest straight on records wich I really appreciate. Its produced by Clive King (and xzellar)who is in the scene for years already. Xzellar is a guy from Holland wich only appearance in the hardstyle scene is with this vinyl, released in 2007. The A-side got edited by Faistos(nowadays part of Frequencerz) later on too, wich was just a little edit to get that nice atmosperical mid melody layered on the climax, a smart touch to make this track even more banging! This sound wich is used in the mid and actually beats the climax melody was later on used too in Clive Kings scantraxx release The Prophecy/Pure Cocaine. I don’t know if this particular sound was used before, but it fits really well in this track. The B side is another cup of tea, its kinda in the same league but then more “nu-orientated” it has nice vocals (a-side also) wich actually make some sense wich isn’t always happening in hardstyle. At the time this vinyl was released I really digged both sides, nowadays only the a-side has stayed in my memory as one of the last clive king tracks that is really good.

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